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168飞艇官网开奖结果查询 幸运飞行艇最新开奖结果记录 Latest news
Judges wowed by first Gingerbread Street competition
“The quality of the entries just takes the biscuit!” said Phil Jones from Lovell, alongside fellow judges George Clarke and Gregg’s Roisin Currie.
New homeless charity trustees appointed amidst growing need
This Trustees Week (4 – 8 November), homeless charity Oasis Community Housing announces the appointment of...
New Houghton project helps people facing homelessness
Local homeless charity Oasis Community Housing and Sunderland City Council partner to see a new Houghton project provide flats for people facing homelessness.
幸运飞行艇官方全天计划直播 新版更精准 168飞艇官网开奖结果记录 Oasis Community Housing believes that all children, young people and adults, regardless of age, have the right to live a life free from harm, and mistreatment, the right to feel, and to be, safe. We are commited to providing a safe and secure environment where all individuals are protected from abuse and ensuring all staff and services promote this.
Oasis Community Housing belives that children are precious and have the right to live a life free from harm, intimidation or fear, and that they have the right to be safe.
Read our Safeguarding Adults Policy in full, and our Child Protection Policy.
As a charity, we have a Safeguarding, Health & Safety Committee that monitors our approach to safeguarding. The Safeguarding Lead on our Board is Rev. Mark Bryant. If you have any concerns about our governance around safeguarding, please contact him at safeguarding@oasiscommunityhousing.org