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John Norton
With over 25 years’ fundraising and commercial experience for leading national charities and multinational organisations, John is currently Head of Workplace Health and Wellbeing Operations at the British Heart Foundation.
John is responsible for the British Heart Foundation’s Health at Work Programme, which aims to improve the health of workplaces and provide them with information and services that can help to reduce the health risks that contribute to heart and circulatory diseases. Since joining the British Heart Foundation, John has initiated and secured on-site health checks to be part of the services offered within the Health at Work programme, helping organisations to identify undetected high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which affects millions of people in the UK and are leading high-risk factors causing heart attacks, strokes, vascular dementia and diabetes.
John comes to our Board with experience of having seen the pain and distress that can be caused by life, family, and work challenges creating crisis points for individuals and families, having lived and worked with his wife at a Christian retreat centre in Hong Kong. It was a place of peace and quiet where the love and care of staff and volunteers looked after the visitors physical, emotional, and spiritual needs to help them on their way to recovery.