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Fiona Bowman MBA
Fiona runs her Management Consultancy, Dysart 57 Ltd, using her 25 years’ experience as a Senior Facilities Manager in the City of London and beyond.
But her life story before that was completely different; escaping one morning, with the help of her employers-at-the-time, Standard Chartered Bank, from an 11 year violent and abusive marriage in Scotland. She started her life again in the City of London, with what she stood up in, not knowing where she was going to sleep that night, but having a job to go to on the Monday in Standard Chartered Bank, King William Street.
Today, in addition to her work as a Facilities Management Consultant, Fiona works as an Independent Corporate Domestic Abuse (DA) Consultant helping organisations’ Senior Management Teams to develop support strategies for their employees who are victims and survivors, but also for employees who are perpetrators. She is currently leading a Survivor Symposium for Alpha vesta CIC.
A Freeman of the City of London and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals, Fiona has also recently been appointed an Ambassador for EIDA ( Employers Initiative on Domestic Abuse). Fiona is the author of ‘Did I Wake You Pet?’ about her experiences, she is a media subject expert on DA and a DA Conference Keynote Speaker on ‘The Importance of Employers in the Lives of Victims’.
Fiona has recently moved her life and her business to North Yorkshire, but continues to work with clients across the UK.